neděle 20. ledna 2019

Queer as Folk is my life...

This post is too large and the ranges of one tweet are not enough ... if you want to know the whole story, please read the whole thread.

Well ... I'm not sure whether it belongs so publicly and not just to the private mails of the people I will be talking about today ... but nevermind. I’ll try it. Although there is about 0.0001% chance that one of the tagged people here is gonna read it ... but I hope that the ones who will read it will not mind that I pour my heart here a little bit.

It’s hard to find words ... about this letter, if I can call it that way, I was thinking for a very long time. And also ... It took me a long time to write it. A few days, rather weeks. Actually, I do not even know what was the main trigger to write this... but I'm glad that I did. So ... I think that this is enough for the start…

The Queer as Folk series last year (2018) celebrated its 18th birthday ... yes ... the pilot and first episode of this amazing series were broadcast on December 3, 2000. It is strange to write about it ... when I was only one year old then.

I found QaF quite accidentally ... I was searching for various videos of gay couples on YouTube at my age of 12, yes ... I was wondering. And among the videos, I have found videos of Brian and Justin (US version) created by fans. I remember that I watched so many of them a was starting to care about these two more and more. And I was disappointed when I found out that they’re only characters from tv show and not a real couple.
What I recall, the series has drawn me so much into the story of Brian and Justin that I have watched almost all episodes over the course of a few days. I was so into it. But then was the end of the summer holidays and I had to go back to school and I kinda forget the series and suddenly I lost interest in it and didn’t watch until the end. But I did not mind at all because the only reason I had ever watched it was Brian and Justin... so the story was easily missed by me because I was skipping scenes that weren’t including Brian and Justin.

But after getting in high school (here in the Czech Republic it’s about the age of 14/15), I suddenly remembered about the series and it was again thanks to YouTube. I was starting to get to know myself a Little, so I searched for the QaF again and began to run one episode after another, but this time without any unnecessary skipping. When I told someone that I was watching QaF, they were laughing at me because they couldn’t understand how I could watching something that old instead of watching series like Game of Thrones or The walking dead and more. But I just shook my head. Because for me QaF wasn’t just a tv show it was a lot more... something I wanted to experience myself. And it also helped me to forget about my problems and just for a moment to run away from reality and to be happy for a while. At the time I was going through a personal crisis and QaF was helping me not think about it... and it also helped me to understand so many things. On the example that not every gay man is the way that society is saying but that they are just normal people like everyone else. And not just them but also lesbians, transgenders and the entire LGBT community.
I feel sad and disappointed in myself when I remember that at my age of 12, I and my unnamed friend were looking for trans people and we were laughing at them on purpose… I was so stupid. The „friend“ is still the same way until today and we are not talking anymore. I on the other hand admire such people today that they’ve managed to make such a big step in their lives and to those who are still on their way I’m holding my fingers crossed.

When I was watching QaF then I was sad that it didn’t have a Czech dubbing because my fast reading and English wasn’t very good and I had to stopped quite often so I could read the subtitles. But today I'm grateful for the subtitles, not only that the series helped me with my English vocabulary, but also today it’s hard and funny for me to hear Czech dubbing because I’m so used to their voices, especially of Gale Harold that I just need subtitles. And I have it the same with every foreign films or series.
And what I found most amazing is that the actors of QaF still have after all those years so beautiful friendship with each other. For those five years of filming something that’s considered to be timeless, they had to become very close. It’s really great that they are still in touch and also that they’re still having meetings with fans and many projects even after that long time and that last episode that had hit me so hard like so many people (fans) around the world. And I’m very sorry that there wasn’t any meeting with fans at the Czech Republic or at least I didn’t hear about it. It would be great to have it here so I could thank them personally. Also, I think it‘s very cute the way that is Peter Paige and Scott Lowell talking to each other on twitter and sometimes even others join them. It’s just perfect.
Also, thanks to Queer as Folk I’ve met one of my best friend Jana. I found her thanks to her blog where she posts stories written by her about Brian and Justin (and others) because she is also a very big fan of them. We even wrote some of them together. So I’m very glad that I have someone I can share the passion, addiction, news, and other things that includes QaF or just talk about it with. For a long time, I didn’t have someone like that and I was feeling alone. And I really can’t imagine my life without QaF anymore.

So as I mentioned several times, QaF helped me understand so many things, develop my English and my creativity. Because I also started to write stories and I even created some edits of pictures that I later posted on facebook to the fan groups and a few fans convinced me to set up a special QA editing profile. And many of my edits are still waiting to see the light of the world.

And finally, I would like to thank all those who have been involved in this amazing series! And that they helped me to turn my life for the better, and thanks to them I met one of the best people I know! I love you, guys!

Please excuse me for my English, I know it's not perfect.

neděle 8. října 2017

14 dní s lidmi co žijí svůj sen

Jak někteří víte, letos o prázdninách jsem byla na dvou letních turnusech, třetí a pátý GeekCampu, tábora s YouTubery. Na pátý jsem se dostala díky tomu že jsem tam jela jako ,,reportérka" takže... už to nebudu dále protahovat a přeji příjemné čtení.

  Jsem ráda že jsem se mohla dostat na oba turnusy. Do nedávna jsem si myslela že jsou prakticky všechny turnusy stejné, ale nejsou. Takže, tohle bude takové malé porovnání těchto dvou turnusů.
  Na obou jsem poznala spoustu skvělých lidí, setkala se s přáteli které jsem poznala na předchozích GC, a znovu mola trávit týden se svými oblíbenci. Na 3 turnuse jsem byla v týmu u Patrika Horyny a na 5. turnuse jsem byla v týmu u Luboš je celkem fajn... jo, byl fajn.
  Celý tábor se nesl ve znamení Hollywoodu, čemuž odpovídali i videa a různé soutěže.

čtvrtek 3. srpna 2017

Po čtyřech měsících...

Už dlouho nevyšel článek že? Hm... už bych to mohla napravit. 
  Zdravím vás, po delší době na svém blogu, za tu dobu co jsem nic nenapsala se toho změnilo hodně. A je to vlastně i důvod proč nic nevyšlo. Hlavním důvodem je Phoenix, momentálně čtyř měsíční štěně BŠO (Bílí Švýcarský Ovčák), kterého jsem si na začátku května přivezla domů. A o něm dnes bude celý článek.

  Ale hezky od začátku...
 Ještě před tím než jsem si pořídila BŠO, jsem byla pevně rozhodnutá že si pořídím černého labradora. Takže mi rodiče kupovali různé knížky, časopisy o tomto plemeni. Já už se začala dívat po inzerátech, vymýšlela jména. Ale pak? V televizi běžel nějaký pořad (už nevím jméno), kde mluvili zrovna o BŠO, a mě se to plemeno tolik zalíbilo že jsem si ho hned šla vygooglit. Našla jsem si klubovou stránku a přečetla si standart, zdravotní stav plemene, prohlížela jsem si fotky... a jak se říká, byla to láska na první pohled. Takže, z úplně černého psa jsem chtěla najednou čistě bílého.
  Přidala jsem se i na facebooku do skupiny, a našla si také pár profilů na Instagramu. Ozývala jsem se na různé inzeráty, ale marně... pokaždé mi přišla stejná odpověď, a to že už žádné štěňátko není volné.
  Střašně se mi zalíbil jeden pes na instagramu, jmenuje se Falco a tak jsem napsala jeho majiteli do directu odkud pejska má. Dozvěděla jsem se že je to pejsek bez PP (já chtěla psa s PP), ale dal mi kontakt na jednu paní která štěňátka volná má. A tak jsem neváhala a hned ji napsala. Vyptávala se mě na různé otázky, seznamovali jsme se... až jsme se dostali k výběru z jakého vrhu si pejska vezmu. Více se mi líbil vrh P, a tak jsme se domluvili že mi předběžně pejska zarezervuje.
  Po několika týdnech jsme se domluvili na návštěvě, a že si tedy nějakého pejska vyberu. Strašně jsem se těšila! Můj první pes!
  6. 5. 2017... den D! Po příjezdu nás uvítal štěkot a kňučení. Za plotem pobíhalo spoustu bílých kuliček. Nejprve jsme si šli sednout dovnitř do obýváku, jen do jsme vešli všechny nás uchvátila stěna plná pohárů a medailí. Když se chovatelka dozvěděla vše co potřebovala, nastala ta chvíle, výběr štěněte. Dostala jsem na výběr ze tří kluků. Dva si hráli spolu ale jeden za mnou furt chodil, byl to takový bambula. Když ty dva na něj běželi, nechal si skoro všechno líbit. A já už věděla že to bude on! Měl černý oboječek. Domluvili jsme se také kdy si ho odvezeme domů.